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Zur Kasse

148 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.


Frisch, Max

Un fine settimana a Long Island in compagnia di una donna: è questo lo spunto che permette a Max Frisch di comporre uno dei suoi testi più importanti, forse l'ultimo di notevole spessore. Magistrale nella ricchezza di prospettive e nella costante autointerrogazione sui grandi temi della modernità, "Montauk" (1975) si snoda attorno all'affettuosa, nostalgica rievocazione di due giorni trascorsi con Lynn sulle rive dell'A...

CHF 20.00

Il mio nome sia Gantenbein

Frisch, Max
Il mio nome sia Gantenbein

"Il mio nome sia Gantenbein" inizia in un normalissimo bar. Un uomo saluta gli amici, ha fretta di andarsene, non sta molto bene, dice. Poco dopo viene ritrovato morto al volante della sua auto, ancora parcheggiata. Al narratore basta questo esile fatto per comporre – basandosi su poche frasi captate qua e là e sulle sue personali percezioni – la storia di quest'individuo. O meglio, due storie per i due personaggi che ha ...

CHF 23.00

Homo faber

Frisch, Max
Homo faber

Il "resoconto" di Walter Faber inizia con un atterraggio d'emergenza nel deserto di Tamaulipas, in Messico. È il 1957. Faber è un uomo di mezz'età, un ingegnere meccanico svizzero al servizio dell'Unesco. Fra i passeggeri imbarcati sul Super Constellation partito da New York c'è anche Herbert Hencke, il fratello del suo vecchio amico Joachim, che si è sposato con Hanna, l'amore giovanile di Faber. Trascorr...

CHF 17.50


Frisch, Max

Coincidiendo con el ochenta aniversario del estallido de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Las afueras recupera La cartilla militar, del escritor suizo en lengua alemana Max Frisch. Lejos de ser un libro bélico al uso, la rememoración del servicio militar del autor supone una sucesión de días vacíos de contenido y exentos de cualquier rasgo de heroísmo. Esta experiencia ayudará a Frisch a explorar u...

CHF 27.00



Primavera de 1974. Un escritor famoso, inspirado en el propio autor, se encuentra en Estados Unidos realizando una gira promocional acompañado de Lynn, una joven empleada de la editorial. En esos días inician una relación muy especial y deciden pasar un fin de semana juntos en Montauk, una recóndita ciudad de Long Island. El tiempo que pasa con Lynn despierta en el escritor recuerdos relegados y aviva viejas refl...

CHF 16.00

Homo faber

Frisch, Max / Carbonaro, M.
Homo faber

Il "resoconto" di Walter Faber inizia con un atterraggio d'emergenza nel deserto di Tamaulipas, in Messico. È il 1957. Faber è un uomo di mezz'età, un ingegnere meccanico svizzero al servizio dell'Unesco. Fra i passeggeri imbarcati sul Super Constellation partito da New York c'è anche Herbert Hencke, il fratello del suo vecchio amico Joachim, che si è sposato con Hanna, l'amore giovanile di Faber. Trascorr...

CHF 26.50

Le public comme partenaire

Frisch, Max
Le public comme partenaire
Recueil de discours et d'interventions publiques de l'écrivain comprenant des textes politiques et esthétiques, des textes critiques envers la bourgeoisie suisse, des textes traitant de l'actualité, etc.

CHF 24.00

Stiller von Max Frisch

Frisch, Max / Rothenbühler, Daniel
Stiller von Max Frisch
Die Königs Erläuterung ist eine verlässliche und bewährte Textanalyse und Lektürehilfe für Schüler und weiterführende Informationsquelle für Lehrer und andere Interessierte: verständlich, übersichtlich und prägnant. Der Band bietet Schülern eine fundierte und umfassende Vorbereitung auf Abitur, Matura, Klausuren und Referate zu diesem Thema: Alle erforderlichen Informationen zur Textanalyse und Interpretation: Angaben zu Leben und Werk des ...

CHF 11.50

Andorra von Max Frisch - Textanalyse und Interpretation

Frisch, Max / Matzkowski, Bernd
Andorra von Max Frisch - Textanalyse und Interpretation
Spare Zeit und verzichte auf lästige Recherche! In diesem Band findest du alles, was du zur Vorbereitung auf Referat, Klausur, Abitur oder Matura benötigst - ohne das Buch komplett gelesen zu haben.   Alle wichtigen Infos zur Interpretation sowohl kurz (Kapitelzusammenfassungen) als auch ausführlich und klar strukturiert.   Inhalt: - Schnellübersicht - Autor: Leben und Werk - ausführliche Inhaltsangabe - Aufbau - Personenkonstellationen -...

CHF 12.90

Biography – A Game

Frisch, Max / Duarte, Birgit Schreyer
Biography – A Game
A reissue of a comic and tragic play that asks just how much of our life we could--or would--change if we got another chance. In this play by Swiss playwright and novelist Max Frisch, a middle-aged behavioral researcher Kürmann is given the opportunity to start his life over at any point he chooses and change his decisions and actions in matters both serious and mundane--He could save his marriage, become politically active, take better care o...

CHF 24.90

Trueman and the Arsonists

Frisch, Max / Stephens, Simon / Thorpe, Chris
Trueman and the Arsonists
But the best disguise, I find, is always the absolute bollock naked truth. It's really strange. Nobody believes it. This is an amoral morality play. It's also got songs in it. Fires keep starting. All across the city, arsonists worm their way into respectable people's homes only to burn them all down. It's a plague. And we don't know why. But Trueman is no fool. He can spot an arsonist from a mile away. These two strangers with troubled pas...

CHF 20.90

Homo Faber

Frisch, Max
Homo Faber
Insanlarin yasantidan söz ederken neyi kastettiklerini kendi kendime cogu kez sormusumdur. Bir teknisyenim ve her seyi oldugu gibi görmeye aliskinim. Onlarin sözünü ettigi seyi cok iyi görüyorum. Kör degilim ya Neden korkayim Eski vahsi hayvanlar artik yok oldu. Neden bunlari düsüneyim Ne taslasmis melekler ne de seytanlar görüyorum.UNESCO teknisyeni Walter Faber aklin üstünlügüne güvenen pragmatik bir insandir. Mantiga, analize, rakamlara ina...

CHF 18.50

From the Berlin Journal

Frisch, Max / Strassle, Thomas / Unser, Margit / Hoban, Wieland
From the Berlin Journal
The daily journal of a giant of German literature,   touching subjects ranging from everyday life to the political and social conditions in East Germany as viewed from West Berlin. Max Frisch (1911‿91) was a giant of twentieth-century German literature. When Frisch moved into a new apartment in Berlin‿s Sarrazinstrasse, he began keeping a journal, which he came to call the Berlin Journal. A few years later, he emphasized in an interview...

CHF 29.90

Homo Faber

Frisch, Max
Homo Faber
The protagonist of the book is Walter Faber, a middle-class UNESCO engineer who thinks the universe is logical and measured. Strange occurrences threaten his sense of security. He makes an impossible emergency landing in the Mexican desert, his friend Joachim hangs himself in the forest, he falls in love with a woman who dies of a concussion, and he engages in an incestuous relationship. Finally, stomach cancer strikes Faber, but it is too lat...

CHF 41.90

Homo Faber

Frisch, Max
Homo Faber
The protagonist of the book is Walter Faber, a middle-class UNESCO engineer who thinks the universe is logical and measured. Strange occurrences threaten his sense of security. He makes an impossible emergency landing in the Mexican desert, his friend Joachim hangs himself in the forest, he falls in love with a woman who dies of a concussion, and he engages in an incestuous relationship. Finally, stomach cancer strikes Faber, but it is too lat...

CHF 28.90

Berlin Günlügünden

Frisch, Max
Berlin Günlügünden
Max Frisch, 1973te Berlinde, Sarrazin Sokaginda yeni bir eve tasindiginda yine günlük tutmaya basladi ve bu döneme ait bes defterden olusan kayitlara BERLIN GÜNLÜÜ adini verdi. Birkac yil sonraki bir röportajda, söz konusu günlügün kesinlikle bir müsvedde degil, üzerinde calisilmis bir kitap oldugunun altini cizdi. GÜNLÜKLER 1946-49 ve GÜNLÜKLER 1966-71 ciltleriyle pes pese konumlanan bu defterlerde, yazarin gündelik yasamindan gözlemler, anla...

CHF 16.90

I’m Not Stiller

Frisch, Max / Bullock, Michael
I’m Not Stiller
A renowned novel of self-deceit and self-acceptance. Arrested and imprisoned in a small Swiss town, a prisoner begins this book with an exclamation: "I'm not Stiller!" He claims that his name is Jim White, and that he has been jailed under false charges and under the wrong identity. To prove he is who he claims to be, he confesses to three unsolved murders and recalls in great detail an adventuresome life in America and Mexico among cowboys an...

CHF 35.50


Frisch, Max / Bullock, Michael
A playfully postmodern novel exploring questions of identity from a major Swiss writer.   A man walks out of a bar and is later found dead at the wheel of his car. On the basis of a few overheard remarks and his own observations, the narrator of this novel imagines the story of this stranger, or rather two alternative stories based on two identities the narrator has invented for him, one under the name of Enderlin, the other under the name Gan...

CHF 34.90